Compilation of openturns failed

When following the instructions on SAT wiki, step 7 failed to compiled. Here is the output of the command SAT/sat -t -o "'github'" compile SALOME-master-native --stop_first_fail.

Executing the compile commands in the build directories of the products of the application SALOME-master-native
  SOURCE directory = /home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/SOURCES 
   BUILD directory = /home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/BUILD 

WARNING: RESTRICTED is a closed-source software and is not available on github
WARNING: CEATESTBASE is a closed-source software and is not available on github
Compilation of Python ........................ native                        
Compilation of setuptools .................... native                        
Compilation of alabaster ..................... native                        
Compilation of cmake ......................... native                        
Compilation of lapack ........................ native                        
Compilation of assimulo ...................... Already installed
Compilation of pytz .......................... native                        
Compilation of Babel ......................... native                        
Compilation of Cython ........................ native                        
Compilation of numpy ......................... native                        
Compilation of openmpi ....................... native                        
Compilation of hdf5 .......................... Already installed
Compilation of llvm .......................... native                        
Compilation of tbb ........................... native                        
Compilation of swig .......................... Already installed
Compilation of nlopt ......................... native                        
Compilation of libxml2 ....................... native                        
Compilation of eigen ......................... native                        
Compilation of freetype ...................... native                        
Compilation of qt ............................ native                        
Compilation of sip ........................... native                        
Compilation of six ........................... native                        
Compilation of pyparsing ..................... native                        
Compilation of packaging ..................... native                        
Compilation of PyQt .......................... native                        
Compilation of dateutil ...................... native                        
Compilation of cycler ........................ native                        
Compilation of kiwisolver .................... native                        
Compilation of docutils ...................... native                        
Compilation of Pillow ........................ native                        
Compilation of matplotlib .................... native                        
Compilation of cminpack ...................... native                        
Compilation of FMILibrary .................... Already installed
Compilation of scipy ......................... native                        
Compilation of Pygments ...................... native                        
Compilation of markupsafe .................... native                        
Compilation of Jinja2 ........................ native                        
Compilation of certifi ....................... native                        
Compilation of urllib3 ....................... native                        
Compilation of idna .......................... native                        
Compilation of chardet ....................... native                        
Compilation of requests ...................... native                        
Compilation of imagesize ..................... native                        
Compilation of snowballstemmer ............... native                        
Compilation of Sphinx ........................ native                        
Compilation of nose_py3 ...................... Already installed
Compilation of PyFMI ......................... Already installed
Compilation of boost ......................... native                        
Compilation of pandas ........................ native                        
Compilation of patsy ......................... native                        
Compilation of statsmodels ................... native                        
Compilation of openturns ..................... SCRIPT /home/simo/SAT_SALOME/products/compil_scripts/  build_dir   = /home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/BUILD/openturns
  install_dir = /home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/openturns

>   Run build script /home/simo/SAT_SALOME/products/compil_scripts/

openturns 1.23

*** cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/openturns -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR:STRING=lib -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DSWIG_EXECUTABLE=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/swig/bin/swig -DHDF5_DIR:PATH=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/hdf5/share/cmake/hdf5 -DHDF5_USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES:BOOL=OFF -DHDF5_ROOT:PATH=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/hdf5 -DHDF5_hdf5_LIBRARY_RELEASE=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/hdf5/lib -DHDF5_hdf5_hl_LIBRARY_RELEASE=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/hdf5/lib/ -DHDF5_HL_LIBRARY=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/hdf5/lib/ -DHDF5_C_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/INSTALL/hdf5/include -DCMINPACK_ROOT_DIR=/usr -DCMINPACK_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/cminpack-1
CMake Error: The source directory "/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/SOURCES/openturns/openturns-1.23" does not exist.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
ERROR on cmake
Compilation of openturns .....................                                  Compilation of openturns ..................... KO                    

Compilation: KO (168/169)

step 1 to 6 didn’t have error, and I have every prerequisites from step 5 and 6 installed. I also tried to comment out the openturns : '1.23' section from ~/SAT_SALOME/applications/SALOME-master-native.pyconf but have no luck.

seems that the sources were not found. Can you check whether this directory


exists and retry:

SAT/sat -o "'github'"  prepare SALOME-master-native -p openturns
SAT/sat -o "'github'"  compile SALOME-master-native -p openturns --clean_all

Then share the LOG file which can be found in SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/LOGS/openturns if it fails.

In addition, given you’re running Ubuntu 24.04, I strongly suggest you to read this thread up to the end.

have to cat the ‘script’ file because it’s apparently not a log file.(sorry i’m not too familiar with linux)log.txt (1.5 KB)

these are the files under the directory ~/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/SOURCES/openturns.
otsvm-0.14 scikit-learn-1.0 scikit-learn-1.2.2

Reading your log file, one can see:

CMake Error: The source directory "/home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/SOURCES/openturns/openturns-1.23" does not exist.

Can you confirm that this directory exists?

ls /home/simo/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/SOURCES/openturns/openturns-1.23

Note that SAT simply drives this script:

ls ~/SALOME-master-native-UB24.04/SOURCES/openturns
only show
otsvm-0.14 scikit-learn-1.0 scikit-learn-1.2.2

this means that your archive which was downloaded in /home/simo/ARCHIVES/openturns-1.23.tar.gz is corrupted, presumably due to a network glitch during its download by SAT.
You can check this assumption by looking at the returned check sum:

md5sum openturns-1.23.tar.gz
cd8dabf2bdfe967bdbfd6058b4c2f859  openturns-1.23.tar.gz

Retry again, this time by running:

cd /home/simo
# remove local corrupted archive
rm -f ARCHIVES/openturns-1.23.tar.gz
# retrieve and store openturns-1.23.tar.gz to ARCHIVES
# then extract openturns-1.23.tar.gz to SOURCES/openturns 
SAT/sat -o "'github'"  prepare SALOME-master-native -p openturns

If again the checksum mismatches the value above, then you need to check why it fails and you can run curl to download openturns-1.23.tar.gz to ARCHIVES

curl -OL ""

If this resolves the reported issue, then better clean the ARCHIVES directory in case other downloads were corrupted - here one could add to SAT some checksum procedure for each release. It would be a plus.


I’m on a train now xd. Will try it after I can access my pc . Thanks

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