Windows compile GUI failed withsat

I find error in BUILD/GUI/CMakeFile/CmakeError.log

Assuming that you followed the prescription described at this link:
SAT · SalomePlatform/.github Wiki · GitHub

Here, you should not run the env_build.bat script since the configuration is set by SAT. So redo the SAT compile command in a fresh CMD terminal without running the env_build.bat stage.

In addition, IMHO you should consider using the latest stable release, namely SALOME 9.14.0 and report issue if any.


thank you very much, NabilG. But I did as you said, it still has the same problem.
There is no pthread.lib in my computer, and I found pthreadVC2.lib in salome/W64 dir.
Is it this reason?

Thank you, NabilG. I have resolved the problem.
It was the sip not found, and I reconfigured the sip .
The problem just gone.

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Hi, NabilG.
I have another issue.
The cmd shows that GUI make install failed.But I checked the makeinstall file in LOGS/GUI.
The makeinstall shows no error.
I cannot find where make the GUI install failed.

Assuming that you ran install_bin.bat when you extracted SALOME archive, can you upload:

  • CMakeCache.txt which can be found in SALOME-9.14.0/BUILD/GUI
  • cmake, make and makeinstall which can be found in SALOME-9.14.0/LOGS/GUI


CMakeCache.txt (81.6 KB)
makeinstall.txt (303.0 KB)
make.txt (183.1 KB)
cmake.txt (27.9 KB)

Here is the gui make files. Thank you NabilG.

from the CMakeCache.txt file, you seem to be picking:

  • another python: Python3_EXECUTABLE:INTERNAL=C:/Users/Administrator/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe
  • another Qt: =D:/Qt5.15.2/

try cleaning your %PATH% environment variable such that it is not polluted.

Finally, one can also see that you’re using SDK version v8. Are you running Windows 10 or some older version ?

Hi, NabilG.
I had cleaned the %PATH% environment variable But GUI still could not installed successfully。

Thank you for helping me.

make.txt (181.8 KB)
makeinstall.txt (302.1 KB)
CMakeCache.txt (78.5 KB)
(45.1 KB)

You mean that the directory: D:/S/SALOME-9.13.0/W64/GUI/ does not exist ?

If so, can you try to rebuild GUI with documentation generation switched off. To do this, edit file SAT_SALOME/products/GUI.pyconf and replace line 52 with:


if it still fails, upload files you share previously as well as the output of set command that you run in CMD. For this latter, ensure that you do not share some sensitive information.

In addition can you also share the version of Windows you’re running. To do this, in the CMD terminal, run winver

Thanks a lot, NabilG.
After switched off GUI documentation generation, GUI install successfully.
Thanks again.

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digging this out a bit further, the issue comes from the fact, that the installation of Sphinx hardcodes the path for Python executable in sphinx-build.
To resolve the issue and be able to regenerate the documentation, you can simply reinstall the Sphinx as follows:

D:\S\SALOME-9.14.0\W64\Python\python.exe -m pip install --force-reinstall Sphinx==3.5.4 --no-deps

This will allow you to regenerate the documentation, since you will hit the same issue for other SALOME modules.

Thank you very much,NabilG.
I will try this later.
And there is another issue, I found that salome has FindOSG.cmake in cmake\Modules.
Is it support the osg viewer?

the FIndOSG.cmake is shipped with CMake but OSG is not used it in SALOME (AFAIK)