Which question in this Forum?


I have worked professionally until 2020 for simple static FEM with the simulation of SolidEdge (NX Nastran 11.0) and for more complex with FEMAP. Now I am retired and want to stay on the subject of FEM with open software.

I started with Salome Meca (Salome-Meca 2021 for Windows (SALOME 9.7.0) on Windows 10 and salome_meca 2021.0.0-2-20211014 Scibian9 singularity container on Ubuntu) with the tutorials from feaforall.com and at code-aster.org.

I have already realized that pure Salome comes without AsterStudy. Therefore the questions:

Which questions fit in this forum and which should go to code_aster?

Where can I find a tutorial for working with Salome (without Meca!)?


This forum is dedicated to Salome, therefore here you should ask questions about the different modules that it has, geometry, shaper, yacs, etc etc. And in meca forum about the specific modules of this soft. You should follow this workflow at least at a first instance if you are not lucky then try asking the question in the other forum, specially about commun modules in Salome meca as the users of it they also use them, and sometimes me a makes some slight changes.
For Salome tutorials, you have
And aloso for Salome and Salome meca