Where to learn how to make a geometry add-on?

Dear colleagues,

After creating some functions to automate tasks like inserting nuts’ footprints and bolts, I would like to contribute an add-on, like the one which makes a pre-partitioned tee.

But how is the process to add something like this? Is there any starting point or example available?

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

Best regards.

Helio C.

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Hi Helio,
sadly I have no answer for your question, but I am very interested in how you managed to automate tasks like inserting nuts etc.
Would you mind to elaborate a little bit? I tried to implemet a slot feature via custom addons and failed miserably.
Thanks in advance!

Hi Wolfgang,

I made a series of Python routines to:

  1. Create groups based on properties of the entities (circles in this case),
  2. Insert a concentric circle representing the nut’s footprint, then I proceed to a Partition by hand,
  3. Create the bolts from paired nuts, or isolated nuts.

It’s all very crude yet. I have been using it as a library in the Python command prompt, but I really wish this could be put in a better interface. Would you like to receive a copy?

How did you tried the slot feature? Could you describe how you tried to make it available in the UI of the Geometry module, please?

Thank you very much.

Hélio C. Bortolon

Hi Hélio,
thank you for your quick answer.
Of course I would like to receive a copy of your creations.
I described in my other post
how I failed to create.
Thanks in Advance!

Salutes.py (9,8,KB)
Here goes it! It’s a work in progress. Let me know of your suggestions and comments.

Could any Salome developer point to some tutorial on how to make things like this available through the UI? I would love to be able to select the target objects just like any other present menu option.

Best regards.

Helio C

Hello Helio

Thank you very much for this interesting information. This is a completely different approach than I had in mind.
I want to create a custom feature using the shaper api as input and output. We will see where this journey goes :slight_smile:

