Vicous layer on sharp corners

I have been working on Salome with this geometry in order to test the behaviour of viscous layer creation on sharp corners. The issue I am having is that the transition on these corners is simply too abrupt, as can be seen in the following image:

The mesh I am generating on Salome is then being compared to ANSA, and I am trying to find a way in which I can make the corner transition smoother. In ANSA, this fucntion is called “Smooth normal vectors”, but I cannot seem to find anything in Salome that does the same. Does anyone know of a workaround?

Thank you in advance.

have you tested the surface offset+smooth on the viscous layers?

Hey, thanks for your reply. I tried the other methods but they give me the same result. I am mainly interested in the node offset, as it works better for my specific application. The parameters I used are the following:

Mesh_1 (Domain – FF/SYMMETRY):

  • Algorithm: NETGEN 1D-2D-3D

  • Hypothesis: NETGEN 3D Parameters

    • Max size: 1000
    • Min size: 10
    • Fineness: Moderate
  • Viscous layer:

    • Total thickness: 111.3
    • Number of layers: 53
    • Stretch factor: 1.2
    • Extrusion method: Node offset
    • Specified faces are: Faces with layers (walls)
    • Faces with layers (walls): “WALL” group
  • Sub-mesh_1 (Geometry – WALL)

    • Algorithm: NETGEN 1D-2D
    • Hypothesis: NETGEN 2D Parameters
      • Max size: 25
      • Min size: 1
      • Moderate

The geometry has 800mm in length.

I need it to look something like this:

Hello everyone,

I have the same problem. I try to create a 2D psedo mesh for OpenFOAM (3D mesh with only one cell in the z direction). So, I first create a 2D mesh and then extrude it at one cell on the z direction.

However, when I use Viscous layer, I have a similar problem with gcayser (see screenshot below).

I used step file from Rhino to import the geometry and I grouped the four edges of the square in Geometry section.

I think the solution is somehow to “group” the four edges.

Any ideas?

Thank you,

first would say that you need to share your geometry. there might be something wrong with it. (2,3 KB)

Good day dear,

You are right, I should attach.

You may find attached here the file that contains geometry and 2D meshing.

I also attach the step file I used to import geometry.

Further more, I would like to ask, is python with salome worth giving a try?

Thank you,

square_2D_V1.hdf (3.9 MB)
square.stp (8.0 KB)

Further more, I would like to ask, is python with salome worth giving a try?

sadly in my current PC I can not use salome as I am having issues with. will check later, but run the pyhon script to check what I did. and guide you from that

Thank you Franco,

I will wait for your response after you check it.
I will surely check the python scripts as I am familiar with python in general (not in salome yet)

Dear Franco,

I have examined your file and tried to follow the steps you took for the generation. However, beacause I need higher resolution on near wall edges, I increased the number of segments on edges through python. This resulted to the undesired result on the vertices (see image below).

I also atatch the .py file, which only differes in th number of segments (you used 10, I used 100) (2.3 KB)

Thank you,

can confirm that thats not the expected behavior…
I also tried to hackish solve it by doing a 3D mesh, (as the BL addition in 3D has some extra possibilities that the 2D does not have) but same result.