Unable to download binaries Ubuntu22.04

I am attempting to download the Ubuntu 22.04 binaries from the download section of the main web site.

After filling in the form and clicking the download button my browser attempts to download the file at https://files.salome-platform.org/Salome/Salome9.14.0/SALOME-9.14.0-native-UB22.04-SRC.tar.gz however this download will begin but almost immediately (within the first 20-50MB) I will receive a “connection lost” error.

Attempting to download the file directly using wget results in a 403 error.

Could anyone point me to a more stable location to download the binaries from?


Sorry, the download server had issues yesterday. It should work now. Please try again and confirm if it works for you too.

Best regards,


Fantastic, thank you - I have successfully retrieved the binary.