I found that when trying to smooth the 2D mesh of a 3D structured mesh for a mesh with high aspect ration, it begings to break the cells. here can be seen, before/after/after zoomed:
an example of this:
issueSmoothingAlgo.hdf (603,0 KB)
Is it possible to modify the smooth of two directions while keeping the third one (height of the thin cells) fixed?
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Very interesting question, I’d also be interested to know whether there is this option available.
Hello @giovanni.medici , this behavior at least it is mentioned in the documentation (first note):
Depending on the chosen method and mesh geometry the smoothing can actually decrease the quality of elements and even make some elements inverted.
at the moment of my post I didn’t saw this note of the smoothing. from my tests, I couldn’t get to smooth in one direction, but it is possible to fix nodes by IDs which can be handy sometimes.
Thanks, I see!
Possibly sometimes is not possible/straightforward, but could it be an option to actually split the volume on the GEOM deck so to have a face/edge to force/guide the mapping?