Searched "plane" perpendicular to the normal

Given in the x-y plane is a bspline. It should become a path for pipe.
To be able to draw the cross section I need a “plane”. Known is
the endpoint “P” a tangent in “P” and a perpendicular to the tangent of the bspline.
To be able to draw a “plane” some z-coordinate over “P” is needed.
I tried it with the function (see also file) “normal from face”. It does not work
because this normal has no selectable endpoint.

Is there a solution?
With kind regards

plane_search.hdf (34,6 KB)

plane_search_update.hdf (36,3 KB)


  1. In the Shape Module select (new) “Plane”
  2. Select the second option (by line and point)
  3. Select / Check “Perpenticular”
  4. Select the straight construction line of your spline (tangent bspline in “p”), that leads to the end of your spline as line
  5. Select the end point of your spline which is only accessible if you checked “Perpenticular”, as point

done! See attachments

Thanks KLB
plane_search_update_V2.hdf (128,5 KB)

Your solution was so simple. I did not come up with it.
For all readers I have attached a possible application.

With kind regards