SALOME Version 9.9.0 has been released


I post here the announcement of the 9.9.0 release if you have missed it from the home page:

CEA/DES, EDF R&D, and OPEN CASCADE are pleased to announce SALOME version 9.9.0. It is a public release that contains the results of planned major and minor improvements and bug fixes against SALOME version 9.8.0 released in December 2021.

See SALOME 9.9.0 Release Notes for more details about this release.

SALOME 9.9.0 supports the following platforms:

  • Linux Debian 9, 10 and 11
  • Linux CentOS 7 and 8
  • Linux Fedora 30, 32, and 34
  • Linux Ubuntu LTS 18.04 and 20.04
  • Windows 10

Pre-compiled binaries of SALOME 9.9.0 for supported platforms, as well as universal Linux binary packages, can be retrieved from the download page of the site.

Best regards,



there is still a bug in windows with gmsh, to reproduce it:

  1. open salome
  2. open geometry module, create box
  3. open mesh module, and run a 3D mesh of box with gmsh and default gmsh parameters
  4. try to open shaper module
    you get an error, "failed to load SHAPER.dll. The specified module could not be found.

it could well be an issue with your installation (maybe your antivirus?)
SHAPER.dll is present in \SALOME-9.9.0\W64\SHAPER\lib\salome

hello nabil,
it is not an issue of the antivirus, I am aware of this type of issue as i have encountered in other versions of salome, the problem was already happening in the vr 9.8, it is showing after (and only after) you computed a gmsh mesh, that after that you get an error when opening SHAPER module. before computing the mesh, it opens correctly.

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Oh I see, I could reproduce the issue which occurs if SHAPER is activated afterwards. thanks

Still, no binaries for the current releases of Fedora (36), RHEL/CentOS (9) or Ubuntu (22.04 LTS). More compilation struggles.

Hi Franco,
Thanks to SALOME developers team, the reported issue is resolved now.
Find enclosed a patch which resolves the reported issue about running GMSH mesher and activating SHAPER afterwards.
The attached SF-285.tar.gz archive contains which needs to be extracted to W64\GMSHPLUGIN.

SF-285.tar.gz (1.0 MB)

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I just installed 9.9 -thank you for this update!

I notice that salome does not show volume element edges correct. At least my installation does not. This error remain since version 9.6, see also older post: Volume element edges not shown — SALOME Platform (

-I would be nice to have this problem fixed…
-Thank you for the good work with the program!