Salome Explode not working on Ubuntu 22.04

I have following two queries.

1- I have tried recent versions of Salome of ubuntu 20 and linux universal on unbuntu 22.04. When I execute ./salome a small welcome window of salome appears and then disappears quickly without opening Salome working window and on terminal I see following.

Searching for a free port for naming service: 2811 - OK
Searching Naming Service + found in 0.1 seconds
Searching /Kernel/Session in Naming Service +Warning, no type found for resource “localhost”, using default value “single_machine”

  • found in 1.0 seconds
    Start SALOME, elapsed time : 1.2 seconds
    Terminating SALOME on port 2811…

I have also installed salome_meca-2020.0.1-1-universal and it works for me, where I can generate geometry and meshes. I read in one of the threads that Salome does not support ubuntu 22.04 yet and correspondingly I can not see any salome version, which is fine. the suggestion in that thread was to use ./mesa_salome. I tried this and it open salome main window for me, but I wonder why ./salome does not work at the moment still as I do not see any particular error message as per my terminal as mentioned above.

2- In any case mentioned in point 1, I fail to use Geometry–> New Entity–> Explode option. I want to use explode option for my work, but when I click explode, I see following error message.

GUI library corresponding to the user action can not be found or loaded

Any leads will be gratefully acknowledged!

Kind regards,

I apologize because I do not have a solution to this. I dropped by to say that I face the same problem (the explode button not working) on Arch Linux too on Salome 9.9.0

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Dear Qais,

for my case(Ubuntu22), the Geometry operation from 2D sketch to Surface from face followed your same error not only the Explode did not work [both of meca / salome].

I think the more easy way to change the distro- version of Ubuntu to 20 or 18, Cuz the salome utilized too many libraries!!!


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I have made docker container to run Salome 9.9.0 . I believe it can run on Ubuntu and Arch too. This has everything necessary to enable the explode feature of Salome to work.

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Dear shivanandvp,

Thanks for your sharing.

Cuz i am a beginner for Docker, I costed some time to figure out how Docker works in my OS.
and also, I tested your approach using Docker container / image from Docker hub. it’s work due to the similarity with Virtual Machine. [don’t afraid, it was better than VM at least me]

meanwhile, I will expose my processes using your approach and export the file of Salome from Docker Container as shown in below

[For Docker beginner]:


1> Plz make sense the Installation of Docker compose and Docker desktop depend on your OS, it’s super-important. you could test your correct installation following the instruction of Docker.

[NOTICE: if your distro- like me is Kubuntu22, Plz download the gnome-terminal from apt-get]

2> pull the image from Docker hub following Shivanandvp approach, it could be seem as building for the Salome Universal 9.9.0 environment within UB 20. what’s more, it will cast some time to download some essential items[ libraries and Salome 9.9.0 and so on ].

[ NOTICE: don’t forget, the full name is shivanandvp/salome:9.9.0 ]

3> Plz check your images, using [ sudo docker image ls ], and then, copy the command in below[ you could print by yourself too ]

sudo xhost +local:root && sudo docker run
–net=host --ipc=host --pid=host --privileged=true
–volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --volume ~/salome:/home/salome
–env=“DISPLAY” -it --tty --rm

[NOTICE: don’t forget, add the volume path [/tmp/.X11-unix] in Docker desktop]

4> The Salome GUI will be shown.

the current distro- :
Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)

5> export the generated file of Salome from Docker container to your host distro-

check your Docker container name if it was random name.
[ sudo docker ps -a ]

and then, find the correct commuted address between the Docker container and the host distro-

eg: the file needed to export [test.hdf]
Docker container [name := docker_1] : /opt/test.hdf
host distro- [name := your name] : /home/salome/

[ docker cp docker_1:/opt/test.hdf /home/salome ]


Thanks for shivanandvp’s kind help again.


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Dear shivanandvp,
Thank you very much for creating Docker image. I am also new to to Docker and I installed Docker from this link using Install using the repository option. I then copied your script in file in my home directory and executed it. The only part I changed in your script was sudo docker instead of docker. I do have docker image shivanandvp/salome:9.9.0 now. However, upon execution of script I see following. Could you please comment, how may I proceed to resolve it? Thanks!

Status: Image is up to date for shivanandvp/salome:9.9.0
non-network local connections being added to access control list
Unable to find image ‘salome:9.9.0’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for salome, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See ‘docker run --help’.
non-network local connections being removed from access control list

@qais What do you see when you run

sudo docker pull shivanandvp/salome:9.9.0


@shivanandvp I see following:

9.9.0: Pulling from shivanandvp/salome
Digest: sha256:4a889ef549a2de858a02b121450435c08906734c80c548abe4048a1a4b46f47c
Status: Image is up to date for shivanandvp/salome:9.9.0


In your script, change docker pull to sudo docker pull.
Change salome:9.9.0 to salome
Also change docker run to sudo docker run
Then try running the script. Does that work?

@shivanandvp Actually, I was already using sudo docker and in addition to this changing salome:9.9.0 to salome still does not work unfortunately. It shows following;

Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: manifest for shivanandvp/salome:latest not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
non-network local connections being added to access control list
Unable to find image ‘salome:9.9.0’ locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for salome, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied.
See ‘docker run --help’.
non-network local connections being removed from access control list

@shivanandvp I have also tried by logging into docker hub by using docker login, but it does not work. Might it be related to permission from docker image?

hello here is the solution for this: