What i did was creating study in 9.10, solving in C_A (separate installation) postprocessing in paravis in Salome 9.10. Due to the error (no Find Data window) i reopened the study in Salome-meca 2020, did the postprocessing and probably saved in SM2020. Now after opening the study in 9.10 and remeshing solid model I can’t save the study. What I get in terminal is:
krzysztof@stacja1:~$ sa910
SalomeApp_Engine_i::Load() isMultiFile = 0
BFGS update error2
Component implementation not found: PARAVIS
Component PARAVIS: Can't find C++ implementation libPARAVISEngine.so
Component PARAVIS: Can't find python implementation PARAVIS(.py)
Component PARAVIS: Can't find executable implementation PARAVIS.exe