Salome 9.10 unable to write hdf file to disk

What i did was creating study in 9.10, solving in C_A (separate installation) postprocessing in paravis in Salome 9.10. Due to the error (no Find Data window) i reopened the study in Salome-meca 2020, did the postprocessing and probably saved in SM2020. Now after opening the study in 9.10 and remeshing solid model I can’t save the study. What I get in terminal is:

krzysztof@stacja1:~$ sa910
SalomeApp_Engine_i::Load() isMultiFile = 0
BFGS update error2
Component implementation not found: PARAVIS
Component PARAVIS: Can't find C++ implementation
Component PARAVIS: Can't find python implementation PARAVIS(.py)
Component PARAVIS: Can't find executable implementation PARAVIS.exe

thanks for reporting about find data window not showing up.
Regarding this issue, you can try to stick to the same version of Paraview. SALOME MECA 2020 uses an older version of ParaView (5.9) whereas SALOME 9.10 uses ParaView 5.11
so better use SALOME 9.7 on which relies SALOME MECA 2020