Quad meshing using extra vertex of face as internal node?

i have a geometry that is sort of a quad face, it has one extra node and vertex, as it is a quad face with a filet in a corner. I would like to know if it is possible to do some ‘trick’ to make a regular 2D mesh over the face without higher valence nodes.
the face itself:
I would like to consider that the two bottom edges will have the same number of elements as the top edge (so making as the node that will be in the vertex of the fillet on the bottom part) is a simple node with a 3 valence (ie., that will have 3 edges of the mesh going out from it) and the node that will correspond to the top vertex of the fillet will be considered as the corner of the quad face, so a node that has a 2 valence (ie., that will have 2 edges going out from it).
right now the mesh when computed it looks like this:

what I would like would be something like this instead:

as it can be seen the green nodes would be the quad corners and the blue node would be ‘ignored’ and simply considered a internal node. (where right now the blue node is treated as a green node and therefore the classic structured quadangle mesh will fail adding the other elements (or higher/lower valence internal nodes))
here is the brep of the face if necessary for testers around:
Face.brep (26,7 KB)

thanks in advance.

Note about this:
there are some heuristics having an impact on salome behavior as same kind of geometry but for a more straight foward geometry such as a square with an extra vertex on an edge. this does not give any issue: