Partitioning with shaper

a question to partitioning: I partitioned a solid body with a shell composed of 7 faces . The result is Partition_1_1 shown in the picture. I expected to obtain only a compsolid containing 2 solids. But the partitioning tool is also kept, and it is also partitioned from 7 faces to 14 faces (of which the 7 protruding are indicated with red arrows)

(1) how can I create a partition which does not contain the tool object?

(2) for the object obtained now: I would like to create a mesh on Partition_1_1_2 (which is the compsolid containing 2 solids). But in the Mesh module I can’t select Partition_1_1_2 as shape to mesh, selectable is only Partition_1_1 which has the superflous faces. Which filters must I apply in order to obtain the desired object?

thank you and best regards

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  1. you have to use Split to set the shell as a tool.

  2. Use Remove sub-shapes to keep only a sub-solid.

Best regards,


thank you for reminding me, I had already known it but made confusion with the old Geometry module where the same task is performed with “partition” and not with “split”
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