Hello, I’m trying to rebuild HELLO Module from below SALOME Documentation

HELLO sample module reference manual v.9.11.0: Construction, installation

However, I’ve encountered error when I’m running ‘Construction, Installation’ part, specifically during ‘cmake -DCMAKE’.

I’ve go to the folder, and find out that there is no such folder.

Need some advice, thanks!

you need to setup the developer mode. To do that, simply run ./install_bin.sh which will:

  • fix all paths occurences to current installation directory

once this done, you can regenerate:

  • SALOME launcher: ./sat/sat launcher SALOME-9.10.0 (--use_mesa)
  • environment scripts: ./sat/sat environ SALOME-9.10.0

Sorry for the late reply. I’d like to ask some questions first:

  1. Do I need to copy files from original SALOME-9.10.0? If so, what files should I copy into my HELLO1_SRC directory? (Cause my HELLO!_SRC directory is based on the module tree structure). Or do I need to put my HELLO1_SRC inside the SALOME-9.10.0/BINARIES-CO8 folders?
  2. What and where is the env_products.sh (the one in the ‘Construction, Installation’ step) located? Cause my original SALOME-9.10.0 folder only include env_source.sh and install_bin.sh.
  3. I have follow your command (putting HELLO1_SRC module in SALOME-9.10.0) but still getting the same error.

I’m sorry for asking too much, but I really appreciated your response. Thanks