I am trying to read a subpart (defined by a mesh group) of a field, using MEDCoupling.
While following some examples, I could make it work if the field is defined on the whole mesh, but if the field is defined using a profile, buildSubPart throws an error : “medcoupling.InterpKernelException: DataArrayDouble::selectByTupleIdSafe : some ids has been detected to be out of [0,this->getNumberOfTuples) !”
I attached a simple python with a simple MED file.
I think I found some way to make it work, I will leave it here in case it will be useful to someone else and hoping that a kind soul can to point me towards a simpler&better way…
Thank you for looking into this and giving me your feedback! It feels much better to know that I am on the right way. In case someone is interested, I am writing a medcoupling wrapper to make classic civil engineering post-processing easier (I need it for myself), everything is opensourced. It is still at a very basic stage, if you want to have a look at it I put it here: