MEDCoupling installation Error


I am trying to install medcoupling package on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The compilation was not successful. The following error message appeared,

configure: error: in `/home/yikun/App/medcoupling/MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0-MPI-UB20.04-SRC/BUILD/medfile':
configure: error: MPI CC compiler requested, but couldn't use it.
See `config.log' for more details
ERROR on configure
Compilation of medfile .......................                                                                                Compilation of medfile ....................... KO
Compilation of mpi4py ........................ Already installed
Compilation of numpy ......................... Already installed
Compilation of ParMetis ...................... Already installed
Compilation of six ........................... Already installed
Compilation of pockets ....................... Already installed
Compilation of Pygments ...................... Already installed
Compilation of pyparsing ..................... Already installed
Compilation of urllib3 ....................... Already installed
Compilation of requests ...................... Already installed
Compilation of scipy ......................... Already installed
Compilation of scotch ........................ Already installed
Compilation of snowballstemmer ............... Already installed
Compilation of sphinxcontrib_websupport ...... Already installed
Compilation of packaging ..................... Already installed
Compilation of Sphinx ........................ Already installed
Compilation of sphinxcontrib_napoleon ........ Already installed
Compilation of sphinxintl .................... Already installed
Compilation of CONFIGURATION ................. ignored
Compilation of MEDCOUPLING ................... ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: boost medfile doxygen

Compilation: KO (41/44)

I have strictly followed the readme instruction on the installation,

source ./salomeTools/

prepare the installation

./sat prepare MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0-MPI

and then compile the code

./sat -t compile MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0-MPI

If checking the MPI version, I got the following by “mpirun --version”

mpirun (Open MPI) 4.0.3

My questions are:

  1. where can I find the config.log file.
  2. Is MPI a very necessary functionality to medcoupling? Should I switch it off, and how do I configure such?

Thank you for your helps in advance.

Eventually I will use this package with code_satune for more complex modelling work.


from your message, one can read that several products compilation failed (boost, doxygen, etc.)
You can either share your LOGS folder which can give some additional information about what’s missing on your node.
If you’re looking for the sequential version, you can try to compile it as follows:

#  retrieve SAT
git clone SAT
git clone SAT_SALOME
cd SAT
./sat init --add_project ../SAT_SALOME/salome.pyconf
SAT/sat prepare MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0
# compile  MEDCOUPLING
SAT/sat compile MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0
# generate runtime environment setup script
SAT/sat environ MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0
# generate an archive which contains MEDCOUPLING binaries only
SAT/sat package MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0 -b

If compilation fails, you can then share MEDCOUPLING-9.8.0-UB20*/LOGS for further analysis. This directory contains the compilation log files.
NB: Note that openmpi is embedded in the MPI version. system OpenMPI is not used.

Hi Thanks for your fast reply! Sorry about my late responses.

I found the root cause of the issue. This may be useful to other people.

It was the cmake. I was running the installation on the mounted folder which leads various errors of installation of the cmake. I have moved the whole thing to the local linux folder, the cmake can be installed then.
