trying to compile Salome while following the instructions in the readme, I get at the end of compilation (after the prepare tools was run) :
Compilation of SAMPLES … ignored
Compilation of COMPONENT … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: KERNEL ParaView openturns nlopt FMILibrary PyFMI
Compilation of PYCALCULATOR … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: KERNEL FIELDS GUI ParaView openturns nlopt FMILibrary PyFMI
Compilation of CALCULATOR … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: KERNEL FIELDS GUI ParaView openturns nlopt FMILibrary PyFMI
Compilation of PY2CPP … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: KERNEL
Compilation of ADAO_INTERFACE … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: PY2CPP KERNEL ADAO nlopt EFICAS GUI ParaView openturns FMILibrary PyFMI YACS
Compilation of PARAVISADDONS … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: KERNEL GUI ParaView openturns nlopt FMILibrary PyFMI PARAVIS FIELDS GEOM opencv SMESH SHAPERSTUDY SHAPER
Compilation of YDEFX … ERROR : the following mandatory product(s) is(are) not installed: KERNEL PY2CPP YACS GUI ParaView openturns nlopt FMILibrary PyFMI
among other compiling errors. ParaView, openturns, nlopt, etc are of course already installed.
Some modules seem to have compiled fine, so I still tried to set environment:
./SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/sat launcher SALOME-9.8.0-native
***** salomeTools ERROR: sat launcher *****
<bound method SatException.message of SatException(‘KERNEL is not installed’)>
and to start a gui:
./SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/binsalome -g
ERROR:salomeContext:Unexpected error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/qu/SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/BINARIES-UB20.04/SALOME/bin/salome/”, line 279, in _startSalome
res = getattr(self, command)(options) # run appropriate method
File “/home/qu/SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/BINARIES-UB20.04/SALOME/bin/salome/”, line 354, in _runAppli
import setenv
File “/home/qu/SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/BINARIES-UB20.04/KERNEL/bin/salome/”, line 26, in
import orbmodule
File “/home/qu/SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/BINARIES-UB20.04/KERNEL/bin/salome/”, line 31, in
from omniORB import CORBA
File “/home/qu/SALOME-9.8.0-native-UB20.04-SRC/BINARIES-UB20.04/omniORB/lib/python3.8/site-packages/omniORB/”, line 44, in
import _omnipy
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘_omnipy’
(omnipy is indeed installed).
Looks to me that the KERNEL somehow does not want to compile.
indeed since KERNEL, Paraview, etc. are not compiled, it won’t run.
Please ensure that you have all system prerequisites installed by running following command line:
./sat config SALOME-9.8.0-native --check_system
then install missing packages.
If it still does not work, you can share the list of installed packages such that we can check what is missing in your case.
it seems one cannot upload files other thatn images to this discourse.
Can you run: apt list --installed > apt.UB20.txt
and upload this file it to some location, such that we can download it and see what’s missing in your case ?
you seem to be missing several system dependencies which sadly are not reported by sat config SALOME-9.8.0 --check_system
I will later send around the list of missing prerequisites . In between, can you do:
tar zcf LOGS.tgz LOGS
and share the generated archive which contains all log files.
Apologise for the delay. You seem to be missing several packages.
I attach the list of packages used to build SALOME on Ubuntu 20
On your node, simply run cat UB20.txt | tr '/' ' '|awk '{print "dpkg -l "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo missing "$1";fi"}'|sh
Then see the ones which are relevant. I need to arrange a shorter list in my spare time.
You can of course, send me the output and I will try to send you the ones which are needed.
I can already see that you need:
Hi NabilG,
thank you very much for your follow up.
I actually went ahead and installed all the dependencies listed.
Then ran prepare, recompile, environ and launcher, but the compilation fails again for apparently the same reasons (Kernel, GUI, Paraview, openturns etc. not installed).
I’ve uploaded again the apt list and the logs for your review: Erreur
Seems like a conflict between openturns and the one which is installed on your Ubuntu.
Basically libopenturns-dev screws up openturns additional components. Patches need to be implemented at the CMake files level.
In the meanwhile, you can simply edit file: PROJECT/applications/SALOME-9.8.0-native.pyconf and comment out the optional Openturns product
Let us know if it works.