Issue with launching Salome on Windows 10 - Naming service


I get the following error on Windows 10 when launching Salome:

runSalome running on XXXXXXXX
Searching for a free port for naming service: 2823 - OK
Searching Naming Service  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Failed to narrow the root naming context
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\SALOME-9.7.0\W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\", line 694, in useSalome
    clt = startSalome(args, modules_list, modules_root_dir)
  File "C:\SALOME-9.7.0\W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\", line 482, in startSalome
  File "C:\SALOME-9.7.0\W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\", line 56, in __init__
    self.initNS(args or {})
  File "C:\SALOME-9.7.0\W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\", line 95, in initNS
SystemExit: 1

--- Error during Salome launch ---

I already uninstalled and reinstalled the program and changed to different versions (9.7.0 and 9.8.0), but it didn’t help.
So I have no idea on how to solve this problem, also because it seems no one else had this issue.

Thanks for your help.

Note sure about the issue in your case, but if you’re running a VPN, you might have to disconnect the VPN as suggested in this thread link

In addition, you can follow the following recipe to clean your environment:

  • sart a Windows file browser
  • in the search bar, type: %userprofile%\.config\salome
  • delete all files present in that directory
  • in the search bar, type: %APPDATA%\salome
  • remove all files present in that directory
  • in the search bar, type: %APPDATA%
  • delete all files wich name starts with: .omni
  • delete file: .salome_PortManager.cfg

Thanks for your answer!

The computer is running in a local network, so there is no internet connection. I have a second (similar) computer in the same network, on which Salome is running without any problems.

I tried your input, but %userprofile%\.config\salome and %APPDATA%\salome do not exist on my system.

Deleting all .omni files in %APPDATA% and .salome_PortManager.cfg did not help.

hard to guess then. You might:

  • edit file: file W64\KERNEL\bin\salome\ and at line 81 increase the number of counts to check if it can help;
  • share your C:\windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts if it contains some special configuration