Issue when trying to set a meshing size for different solids of the geometry

Hi !
I have a complex geometry got from a STEP file that I’m trying to mesh using smeshBuilder in Salome. As some solids are very small compared to others, we need to define a characteristic mesh size different :

# Create mesh for every solid
for solid in Solids:        # Solids is a list gathering all Solids of the geometry
    Name = solid.GetName()
    algo3d = EyeMesh.Tetrahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.NETGEN_1D2D3D, geom=solid)
    if "Lamina" in Name:
        lamina_params = algo3d.Parameters()
        eye_params = algo3d.Parameters()
        smesh.SetName(algo3d, solid.GetName() )
        print("Define NETGEN Hypothesys for %s"%Name)

in the terminal it print this error

BFGS update error2
BFGS update error2
BFGS update error2
th. 140176033838848 - Trace /volatile/salome/jenkins/workspace/Salome_master_native_UB20/SALOME-9.7.0-native-UB20.04/SOURCES/SMESH/src/SMESH/SMESH_subMesh.cxx [2051] : NETGEN_2D3D failed on sub-shape #1527 with error COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH "NgException at Volume meshing: Stop meshing since surface mesh not consistent
Some edges multiple times in surface mesh"
th. 140176033838848 - Trace /volatile/salome/jenkins/workspace/Salome_master_native_UB20/SALOME-9.7.0-native-UB20.04/SOURCES/SMESH/src/SMESH/SMESH_subMesh.cxx [2051] : NETGEN_2D3D failed on sub-shape #1527 with error COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH "NgException at Volume meshing: Stop meshing since surface mesh not consistent
Some edges multiple times in surface mesh"

and in the GUI, I have the following error displayer in the window “Mesh computation failed” :

   Algorithm      Sub-shape           Error
                                      Invalid input mesh. NgException at volume meshing :
1  VitreousHumor  Retina (0:1:1:7:9)  Stop meshing since surface mesh not consistant
                                      Some edges mutiple times in surface mesh

But the code

algo3d = EyeMesh.Tetrahedron(algo=smeshBuilder.NETGEN_1D2D3D)
param = algo3d.Parameters()

works well. Actually, it doesn’t give a mesh with tiny elements everywhere, but still, we cannot choose the size for the different parts.

What could I do to set it correctly, without mistake ?
