Install Salome 9.12.0 on Ubuntu 24.04


I wanted to install Salome 9.12.0 on Ubuntu 24.04.
As Ubuntu 24 is not still supported, I downloaded the Universal Linux version.
I checked the system requirements and successfully installed missing ones except the libncurses5.
It seems it is not available for Ubuntu 24.04.

Any advice ?


PS: There is a libncurses6 already installed in Ubuntu 24 so I tried to launch Salome. It seems it does not work as the GUI starts for some seconds then close.

Ubuntu 24.04 is not yet supported (work in progress - if you have any patches you would like to share we welcome them though ) - In the meanwhile, you can try to use the universal binary which hopefully fits your needs

Note that if you’re running wayland, you might experience display issue - search for thread about wayland which explains how to switch to x11.


Thanks for your reply.
My problem is with the universal binary indeed.
When I launch Salome, the GUI starts then close.
I did not get any error message.

How can I know if the problem is with the libncurses5 or something else ?


can you share the error message you get ?

Thanks again for your reply.

I finally found a solution: I used the NVIDIA drivers instead of the default drivers and Salome is working now.


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Hi jmiranda,

I am also trying to run the universal linux distribution on Ubuntu 24. Unfortunately I can’t even check the system requirements.

~/SALOME-9.12.0$ ./sat/sat config SALOME-9.12.0 --check_system
/usr/bin/env: “python”: Arquivo ou diretório inexistente

“File or folder do not exist”, is the message. How did you check the system requirements?


That message means you don’t have Python installed.
You need Python to run the sat script.


Thanks for the answer jmiranda.
Python 3.12.3 is installed. It is a brand new Ubuntu 24 instalation. Maybe sat can’t find it.

~$ python3
Python 3.12.3 (main, Apr 10 2024, 05:33:47) [GCC 13.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Then, a solution is to change the first line in the sat script.

From this:
#!/usr/bin/env python

to this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3



It worked, but I still got error messages. This time probably due to some Library that changed from some previous Python versions to Python 3.12, according this thread.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp'

So, better wait, although the Ubuntu versions of SALOME never worked on my Ubuntu’s :smiling_face_with_tear: . I always have to use the Linux Universal.

There is an ongoing work to support native Ubuntu 24.

If you’re using universal binary, then simply do:

#bootstrap SALOME embedded python 
source SALOME-9.12.0/
SALOME-9.12.0/mesa_salome (or salome)
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Great! It worked with mesa_salome!

Which version of NVIDIA drivers did you use? I tried with 535 version and did not work.