I just got a new computer (Debian 12 OS) on which I’m trying to install the latest version of Salome (9.14.0) using this link: https://salome.der.edf.fr/telecharger
I don’t have the sudo rights on this computer but the required prerequisites have been installed. At the end of the installation, I have the following message when I try to launch Salome :
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (5.15.8) with this library (5.15.2)
Do you have an idea of how to fix this incompatibility?
hi Christophe,
on Debian 12, if you use the Debian 12 SALOME archive, the expected Qt version is Qt 5.15.8.
I understand that you’re at EDF. If this is the case, consider getting in touch with EDF SALOME support.
Dear Christophe,
which version of Salome Platform are you going to install?
If you have got troubles with library dependenciens, try to use Linux Universal version. In that case ./run_salome.sh command must be used.