How to plot force and displacement over timestep?

I run a nonlinear simulation and would like to plot displacement of chosen node on X axis and applied force for Y axis. The applied load is 0 for step 0 nad max for last step. I have 10 time steps. Just need to plot a curve. Could someone help me with that?

If your simulation is Code Aster go to Jean-Pierre Aubry free book for example data extract. If you are trying to get this in ParaViz (which is really ParaView) go to ParaView website and see tutorials on that. There are many ‘filters’ to get certain data out of your database in ParaView. From there you can make plots easily. Good luck!

Thanks for the reply. I’ve been using Paraview/Paravis for a while now. I went through the documentation and the tutorials before posting on forum. The filters allow you to plot data over timestep right out of the box. I need to manipulate the data a little bit because I have 2 variables changing according to the time step, and they depend on each other. I’m using standalone version of Salome 9.13.0 and there’s no Stanley attached. JP Aubry uses XmGrace and Stanley to plot some of the things I need. Moreover, you’d have to know prior to obtaining results to add a node to nodal group for which you’d like to have results plotted. So easier way is to pick the node in Paraview’s viewport and use it’s capabilities to plot what I need. It’s a simple plot, I believe I need to store both variables somewhere in some additional list and then plot them on X and Y axes. That shouldn’t be difficult, but I need someone to point me in the right direction.