How to discretize a cuboid with Hexahedron i,j,k algorithm?

Create Mesh:
Name: Mesh_1
Geometry: Partition_1
Mesh Type: Hexahedral
Algorithm: Hexahedron i,j,k
Hypothesis: Default
Add. Hypothesis: None

The UL,UR, LL, LR represent the upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right components of a 4"x8"x120" long beam with a rectangular cross section. A partition was created with those four components.

So far the resulting mesh seems to only contain nodes after being computed with parameters shown. This seems a bit strange to me since that usually when Solome successfully builds a mesh I can turn on the viewing and see the faces of hexahedrons.

So far based from the number of nodes I can see that the hexahedron mesh would be nowhere near dense enough for me to use it yet.

Could I get some assistance how to densify to hexahedrons of size for example .01 untis in all directions, how to get that working for such a cuboid with Salome Platform?

hexahedron algorithm, is a 3D algo, used for as you mentioned cuboid geometries.
the correct workflow to make your mesh, is define hypothesis in the other dimensions,
hexahedron 3D, quadrangle 2D and a 1D hypothesis, for example you could use wire discretization with minimum length, or maximum length of .01. then compute it and it will work. hexahedron sizes are only dependant of the 1D discretization, as it is a propagation of it (and obviously in some cases when the 1D discretization is not conformal, the quadrangle 2D can lead to different sizes or even break the algo). the main important thing is that you have some number of elements in each directions (so for example for a simple aligned to the axis cube, in the x, y and z edges directions all this group of edges have to have the same number of elements.

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