How to debug custom SALOME module

Hi everyone,

I have created my custom C++ module using HELLO project as a template.
I am able to build it in both Release and Debug configurations.

Also, I discovered how to load it into SALOME, so everything is fine in Release mode. My module works as expected.

And my question is: how to debug the code of my module?

  1. SALOME crashes if only my module is built in DEBUG mode when I try to switch to the module in already started SALOME.

  2. After that, I had tried to build KERNEL and GUI in debug mode, it looks like I succussed with this, but now SALOME crashes at start-up time. I do not see the exception information under the logo)). But I think that it is caused by Release/Debug mix of run-time libraries.

What is the correct approach to develop (debug) custom modules in SALOME world?

Did you succeed? Would you like to share your experience

Not yet( I am still need some assistance.


if you want to debug your module (other modules can stay in release mode):

  • start SALOME,
  • retrieve the pid of process SALOME_Session*
  • start gdb or any other debugger gui (e.g. gdbgui or QtCreator)
  • in your gdb session attach to the process.
    Note that you need to ensure that process tracking is enabled:
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
    should return 0

More generally if you want to develop within SALOME, here is the approach you could use - I use it but other more advanced SALOME users may provide some additional tips/tricks.
This is illustrated below for Ubuntu 22.

Note that for Windows, you need to compile every module in debug with SAT, setting debug to yes in SALOME-9.12.0-windows.pyconf

# 0- Extract SALOME archive
tar zxf SALOME-9.12.0-native-UB22.04-SRC.tar.gz
cd SALOME-9.12.0-native-UB22.04-SRC

# 1- setup the developer mode
chmod u+x

# 2- generate a launcher which will use INSTALL directory instead of BINARIES-UB22.04
sat/sat launcher SALOME-9.12.0-native -n salome

# 3- generate a setup script aimed to set SALOME build and runtime environments
sat/sat environ SALOME-9.12.0-native

# 4- setup SALOME developer environment
source SALOME-9.12.0-native-UB22.04-SRC/

# 5- Prepare your sources and compile in DEBUG mode -  step 4 ensures that relevant environment variables are set.
#    Here you can iterate (make, make install)

# 6- edit file salome and append to it your module (see how this is done with  HELLO)


how to compile salome use sat?

To build SALOME with SAT, repeat steps 0-3. described in my previous reply.

Then, you need to apply the following prescription. Assuming that your module is named MYHELLO, you need to:

  • Describe your module in the SAT syntax, namely:

    • create a python description file PROJECT/products/MYHELLO.pyconf
      Since SAT implements a DAG, ensure that all dependencies are set in key: depends.

    • if MYHELLO compilation requires some advanced approach, implement a script in products/compil_scripts/ or products/compil_scripts/MYHELLO.bat

Note that you do have access to some environment variables which are set by SAT: (BUILD_DIR, PRODUCT_INSTALL, SOURCE_DIR, etc…) - look at some scripts

  • define all runtime environment variables in PROJECT/products/MYHELLO.pyconf (section environ)
  • add MYHELLO to PROJECT/applications/SALOME-9.12.0-{native,windows}.pyconf


  • extract the sources of your project (or module) to SOURCES/MYHELLO

  • you can then compile with : sat/sat compile SALOME-9.12.0-native -p MYHELLO --clean_all

  • Logs files, if any will be saved in LOGS/MYHELLO/{cmake, make, makeinstall, script}

But again, if you want to be efficient , better use first approach described in my first reply.