Dear all,
I succeeded in installing Salome 9.12.0 (CentOS 9 native) on my Rocky Linux 9.4 computer, but some extra libraries were needed and not found by the usual sat check-system procedure. Please find below the list of these libraries and corresponding packages.
First, i recall the list of packages recommended by the sat procedure.
sat config SALOME-9.12.0-native --check_system
sudo dnf install python3-babel python3-Cython python3-jinja2 python3-pygments python3-sphinx python3-sphinx-theme-alabaster python3-certifi python3-click cppunit python3-cycler python3-docutils fftw freeimage python3-imagesize python3-kiwisolver python3-markupsafe python3-matplotlib python3-mpi4py-openmpi gdbm sqlite tbb python3-scipy python3-snowballstemmer python3-sphinx_rtd_theme python3-sphinxcontrib-websupport python3-toml
Then the list of the 3 missing libraries and corresponding packages.
- : double-conversion
- : gdal-libs (in EPEL repository)
- : netcdf (in EPEL repository)
Best regards,
Loïc Chevallier.