Explode command generates near-duplicates when creating shells for features like inlets and outlets, interfaces for suction, impellers and volutes

I am attempting to duplicate steps in cfdsupport.com’s Webinar 79 for analysis of my centrifugal fan setup. At about 29:19 into the video, the presenter chooses the Explode Command to split the fan into shells.
There are only 5 shells in the Webinar example.
However my model has 20 such objects. When I try it on my model, the Explode command generates near-duplicates, e.g. after sort children: Shell_1, Shell_2, Shell_3, Shell_4, Shell_5, shell_1, shell_10, shell_11 and so on, in lower case. How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance.

Never mind. I was going to identify and rename all the shells anyway.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
~ Dav1d