Error message of Salome 9.10.0 on ubuntu 22.04.2

Here is my experiences. Thanks in advances for any help and support.

  • Downloaded and extracted “SALOME-9.10.0-native-UB22.04-SRC”.
  • checked dependent packages with sat/sat config SALOME-9.10.0-native --check_system, got a lot
  • installed all missing binary and compiling needed packages using $ sudo apt-get install (all from both binary and compiling required packages)
  • except fftw, all other packages are installed without issue
  • run ./salome
  • it started with an error message : importError: /home/marpolesim/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/PyQt5/ undefined symbol: _ZdaPvm, version Qt_5
  • When I selected geometry, I got an an error message “Salome Exception: Error: Cannot resolve ContainerManager in Naming Service”. This is the same as another thread
  • attached is my list of packages installed. Do I miss any thing? Thanks again. Charles
    apt.UB20.txt (161.9 KB)

Hi Charles
it seems from the error message that you do have miniconda installed which screws things up.
Assuming that you’re using bash, edit your $HOME/.bashrc and comment out the line which sources the Miniconda environment.
Then, start a new terminal in which you can launch SALOME.
Let us know if this help.

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Thanks NabilG.

Yes, you spot the issue. The root cause is miniconda. What I did is to deactivate the environment instead of commenting out conda statement in bashrc. This works as well and clean.

Regards, Charles

I am also running Ubuntu 22.04, with mambaforge (anconda but written in C++), but deactivating the virtual environment does not seem to resolve the issue. I have tried different shells but I cannot get it to work. It gives me the same issue. What do I do?