Creat mash, NETGEN 3D Parameters

why do I get this warning when I create a mesh

Hi. This is not a warning. Can you tel which SALOME version you’re using and on which linux/windows distribution?
Maybe if you have a scenario which could help to reproduce the issue (either a description or a dump of your script or the hdf study saved)


I use Salome version 9.11.0 on Windows10, I downloaded it via code aster I followed this tutorial

So you’re not using the vanilla SALOME distribution but SALOME Meca ?
Here it seems that SMESH fails to load some DLLs (you can check if the name of that DLL is printed in the python console which starts SALOME.

In addition, you can run in verbose mode to have more information (set SALOME_VERBOSE=1)

Note that this kind of errors occurs if you installed SALOME (here SALOME meca) in a directory which name is too long or contains some special characters.