Arch linux - dark theme, frictional heat

Welcome, Everyone!

I did install lastest version 9.14 of Salome, but I can’t change theme. I did already tried qt5ct, but I didnt work. Furthermore is it possible to simulate frictional heat?


Did you define QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME environment variable ?

In SALOME launcher (salome), set:

  context.setVariable(r"QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME", r"qt5ct", overwrite=True)

Concerning the second question, I believe you’re more interested in SALOME meca.

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Yes, I defined the variable, will put the provided line, and check Tomorrow. Thank You for Your Asistance!

I found this: Salome-Meca - Code_Aster. Is it possible to install Salome_meca on Arch? BR

SALOME meca is distributed as a singularity image file (SIF) . Thus simply install singularity or Apptainer to run this SIF file.
Address installation and end user issues to SALOME meca forum.

Thank You for letting me know!

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